Something got me thinking. This world is becoming increasingly virtual. So we are logging on to networking sites , dating sites and blogs.Self expression , networking , making friends - many an important areas of human experiences are gaining a new dimension and we dont even question it.For finding information we are googling , for making friends we are chatting and for expressing ourselves to the world we are blogging.
But since we are still in transition there are some old timers who consider the virtual world a sham. I am no one to comment on the virtues or vice of virtual world. Too many V's in there.But thats still different from "WE".I guess its true.I guess internet is a lonely place.Its a good way to reach and connect but it cannot replace the charm of being together. Being on the net for hours, watching webcams is not the same as holding hands even if its for a minute.
The problem I guess exists because we see real and virtual relationships in coflict. Its percieved as an "either or" equation.I guess thats where the problem is. Virtual and Real is not to replace but to complement each other.There is no conflict just change. And we all resist change!
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